Curriculum Update

What have we been playing at gfc?

We've continued our study of color over the last few weeks. We've been learning about primary, secondary, and complimentary colors on the color wheel (which is a tool that artists use). Painting has been done on 2D & 3D surfaces, with various brushes, hands, feet, and even our head!
In math, we've been talking a lot about right and left sides of our body by doing directional songs (ie: hokey pokey), naming body parts when putting clothes on/off, and stamping with our hand prints. We've also been talking about numbers on a clock and what time it is. Identifying numbers and counting has been used in board games and felt board games.
Stories have focused on pretend play and friendship. We've been using predictable text with high frequency words to start making print to text connections while reading.
Dramatic play of community helpers is all the rage right now. Recently our room has been turned into an office, a doctor office, an airport, fire station, and police station.

Our 100 Acts of Kindness chart is almost filled! We've also got a great start on our compliment chain! One of the songs we've been dancing to has given us great practice in including friends, respecting their space, and being safe with our bodies (Shake a friend's hand, by Andy Z).

Sign language practice includes color words, the alphabet, and learning a new song for Valentine's Day. We've been using the words more, all done, help, and my turn during playtime and meals.
Our littlest friends have been working hard on keeping up with the big kids! We've seen lots of first steps, using straws & sippy cups, trying out forks & spoons, loosing that morning nap, and staying with the group during story and circle time over the last few weeks! They are working on following 1 step directions (sit down, come here), using a vocalization or sign to get something, and stacking blocks, and imitating sounds/actions.
