EDIT - AUGUST 27, 2021
Masks are currently required indoors for all persons ages 2+ regardless of vaccination status. This policy will be revisited in the event that Middlesex County reaches 80% vaccination rate and has a positivity rate that is less than 1%.
At gfc, I take a serious and cautious approach to reopening during covid. Since the program is in our home, I'm tasked with protecting the children attending and my family. It is expected that families attending respect the choices made and take efforts to reduce the spread.
DEEC has a set of minimum requirements to provide a safe environment. The CDC and AAP have recommendations that change nearly daily. Since those regulations and recommendations change unpredictably, gfc will follow stringent safety practices. As the saying goes, "err on the side of caution."
- All persons living in our home who are eligible for vaccination against covid are vaccinated. Once vaccines are available for more age groups are available, we plan on vaccinating our children.
- gfc requires masks for unvaccinated children and adults when indoors. This may change at times, masks may be required for all persons based on regulations and CDC recommendations or DEEC requirements.
- Health attestation completed daily prior to drop off
- Strict illness policy
- gfc has a high efficiency hvac system with a merv-16 filter and uv cleansing
- HEPA air filters are used throughout the indoor space
- Surfaces and toys are cleaned daily, with a bleach solution, lysol disinfectant, and/or a uv light
- gfc curriculum and daily schedule allows for most of our activities to take place outside. When possible, we do projects, activities, story time, and meals outdoors.
- Families are asked not to attend other in person, group child care programs like gym or grocery store child care, outside of gfc. This does not include special education programs.
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I like the way the American Academy of Pediatrics simply explains safe schools during covid in the following article:
https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/COVID-19/Pages/Return-to-School-During-COVID-19.aspxgfc follows a strict illness policy.
If your child is sent home due to illness, regardless of any diagnosis or lack thereof
they will not be able to attend the following school day during the same week. If your child is too ill to attend to normal activity on a stay-at-home-day, keep them home from school on the following school day. A note from a medical professional does not override this policy.
If your child is unable to play, eat, sleep, and/or toilet as they would on any other
day, then they should be kept at home. If your child has a fever (100+), diarrhea,
vomiting, unknown rash, continuous or wheezing/gasping cough, thick or
continuous nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes, contagious illness (such as
conjunctivitis or strep throat), lice, or bedbugs you should keep them out of care
until those symptoms have resolved and/or been under treatment without the aid of fever reducing medication for 24 hours.
If your child, anyone living in the home, or anyone you are regularly are in contact
with is exposed to severe illness that includes but is not limited to COVID-19 and influenza, diagnosed with COVID-19, is isolating by doctors orders or voluntarily, is tested for COVID-19, or been contacted related to contact tracing, then that must be reported to GFC immediately. Failure to accurately report exposure, testing, or
quarantine for severe illness, which includes but is not limited to COVID-19 &
influenza, will result in immediate termination from GFC.
If a child has a fever or other new or unexpected symptoms consistent with
COVID-19 and/or had close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, then they
must not be permitted into the child care space. If diagnosed with, in contact with
diagnosed COVID, or exhibiting symptoms with or without direct contact, then the
child will (1) stay home from child care for 10 days or (2) stay home for at least 24
hours until symptoms resolve AND have negative COVID test results.
Any questions any gfc covid procedures or illness policy can be sent to garrisonfamilycare@gmail.com.
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