Mission Statement
Garrison Family Care will provide high quality education
and care in a home setting. Play will be used to provide
opportunities to explore language, literature, math, science,
social skills, emotional awareness, motor skills, and
sensory experiences. Each child will be encouraged to reach
towards their full potential based on individual abilities.
and care in a home setting. Play will be used to provide
opportunities to explore language, literature, math, science,
social skills, emotional awareness, motor skills, and
sensory experiences. Each child will be encouraged to reach
towards their full potential based on individual abilities.
Principles of Care
Give children what they need when they need it;
respect their needs as people.
respect their needs as people.
Let the children play;
trust that they are capable learners.
trust that they are capable learners.
Provide a wondrous, responsive, and engaging environment;
listen, then follow the children’s lead.
listen, then follow the children’s lead.
Children, teachers, and parents are partners in learning;
parents are a child’s first teacher.
parents are a child’s first teacher.
Contact Information
104 Garrison Rd.
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Google Voice #: 978-710-8855
Common Questions:
About the daycare center
How long have you been in business?
Since August 2014. Prior to that I taught special needs K-5 in public school, toddler & preschool in private centers, and was an early intervention developmental specialist.
Do you have a current state license?
DEEC License #9018775, Program #8031141
Do you have other accreditation or award? If so, what are they?
At this time I have a QRIS score of 1. This is the state rating system for family child care. A score of 1 means that I am complying with all licensing regulations.
I was voted the #1 reader's choice for child care and preschool in Chelmsford according to Wicked Local in 2019.
How many children do you enroll at one time?
I can have
up to 8 children in attendance, including my own. My space is primarily set up for toddler (12+ months) and preschoolers (2.9-5 years). There are usually 6 children here.
Days and hours
What are your hours? What's your holiday schedule? On what other days are you closed?
Hours and rates are listed here
How flexible are you with pickup and drop-off times?
I am a mom and our family lives in the home. I ask that families be respectful of our time and privacy by adhering to the schedule.
Drop off must be completed by 850AM to ensure quality programming.
Pick up is between 315-4PM.
Late pick ups will result in a fee of $1 per minute. Repeated late pick ups will lead to an increased fee for lat pick ups and could terminate the contract.
What are your fees?
Hours and rates are listed here
Do you offer scholarships or sibling discounts?
School teachers, therapists, specialists, and administrators receive a recurring monthly discount per family. There is no sibling discount.
Is there a late-pickup fee?
Late pick up costs $1 per minute for incident one, $20 then $1 per minute for incident two, and $40 then $1 per minute for incident three. Picking up late 3 times in 3 months terminates the contract.
Do I pay when my child is ill or we're on vacation?
Payments are made on a monthly basis regardless of attendance. There are scheduled vacation weeks
during the year that are figured into to tuition so that you pay a flat rate year round.
There are no "make up classes."
How and when would you bill us?
2 weeks tuition are due at enrollment. The remaining balance for the 1st month is due prior to the 1st of that month. Payment for each month is due before the 1st. All payments are online.
Do you supply diapers or is that up to the parent?
Diapers and wipes are supplied by gfc.
What other supplies would I need to bring for my child?
- nutritious lunch - more info
- a lovey or stuffed animal for nap time, if needed
- appropriate outdoor gear for current season
- at least one full change of clothes, several if your child is toilet training
What to Keep at Home - Please do NOT send these items
Please ensure all adults dropping of know what to keep at home.
- toys
- candy, treats, dessert, gum, medicine, cough drops, hand sanitizer
- chap stick, perfume, lip stick, nail polish, etc
- money, real or pretend
- electronic devices, phones, iPads, Kindles, cameras, computers/laptops
Do you provide any food?
2 snacks are provided daily - more info
Interacting with parents
Do you encourage visits from parents?
Parents are always welcome – My home is your home. Parents are welcome to visit and observe their child anytime during childcare hours.
If you stop in during the day, you must be prepared to take your child with you when you leave. It can be emotionally traumatic for your child to say goodbye to you twice in the same day. Any child that leaves early, may not return to child care later that day.
Please keep
in mind that quiet time is from 1-3pm and curriculum begins at 9am.
What do you expect from me as a parent?
I put
health and safety above all else. You can help by reminding your child to wash their hands at drop off, staying up to date with check ups and immunizations, and being open
about any health issues that may arise. Briefly communicating at drop off and pick up
will help with this as well. Let me know if there were any changes in your
child’s sleep, eating, bathroom habits, or behavior since the last time I saw
them – and I will do the same for you.
The other
big part of parent expectations is curriculum – the fun part! I will provide
information about what we are doing and why (via: announcement board/blog) and you can
carry over those skills at home.
How do you communicate with parents? Will you give me a
daily report or is there another process for informing parents of what children
did during the day (naps, bottles, BMs, etc.)?
A weekly activities log
will be sent via an online portal. An invitation to the portal will be sent following registration.
Can I bring my child in for a pre-enrollment visit?
Yes. Families must visit the center prior to enrollment. The first visit will occur outside of school hours. An additional visit may be made during schools hours, but keep in mind I must continue to provide safe and enriching programming when visitors are here.
I also offer play dates for new children. This gives the family and child opportunity to become comfortable with the new transitions and environment. These are not required, but highly suggested to ensure that my program is a good fit for your family.
Caregiver-child ratio
What is the caregiver-child ratio?
1:8, typically there are 4-6 children in attendance
Primary caregiver
Do you have any formal early childhood development or
childcare training?
I have a
Master of Education from Salem State
University in the field of early
childhood education, with and without special needs. My undergrad study was
done at the University of Southern
Mississippi in the field of psychology, with
studies focused on child development and learning. I serve on the board for the Family Child Care Association.
Why do you work with children?
I work with children because I wouldn't be happy doing anything else. I love the way they see and explore the world. I also enjoy helping parents to see all of the wonderful things their child is learning through play.
What do you like most about caring for children?
A child’s
innocent curiosity is an amazing thing. The relationships they build during the first five years are the building blocks for who they will become. I love being able to provide a nurturing, accepting, and understanding place for them to be confident in themselves.
How do you discipline children?
There are two rules in my home: Be safe. Be kind. Being "kind" is addressed through the social/emotional portion of the curriculum. I use redirection, modeling, direct instruction, or group discussion for child guidance. Young
children are learning how to interact with their environment and other people. We have open discussions about what is
expected, what to do when something unexpected happens, when and how to ask for
help, and when and how to tell someone no. I am firm, fair, and consistent with
my expectations and help children to act with their “Hearts not Hands” to fix
Being safe is a must for all times and all persons during the day. Occasionally, being unsafe requires a break from activity. Time out is not typically used. The behavior is either redirected, refocused, or support is provided for skills not yet learned. This is followed up with a discussion: Why did you need to make a different choice? Why is it not safe to do that? What can you do next time instead?
How do you comfort children?
Hugs, a kind word, a moment
of individualized attention, or a reminder to “shake it off” is all that is
needed. Young children are still learning social and language skills related to problem solving, so sometimes help articulating is comforting.
Do you have emergency training? In CPR? In First aid?
requires CPR and First Aid training be kept up to date on a yearly basis. Additionally, I worked as a lifeguard for several years and am comfortable addressing emergency situations.
Caregiver's assistants
Do you have any assistants?
Not at this
time. I do have someone local available in case of emergency that has training in child care and health care.
If you don't have assistants, who covers for you when you're
not available?
I will do my best to give
at least 24 hours notice for an unscheduled closing, not including emergencies.
Activities and Play
What activities do you like to do with the children?
are both theme based and observation based. The direction that those studies go will be based on the children’s observed
interests & developmental needs. Personally, I love art, music, and science. more info
Are your toys and activities age-appropriate?
Yes. There are activities indoors and outdoors that provide opportunity to varied types of play. Activities include individual play, partner play, and group play.
Do you have a comfortable, childproofed indoor play area
where babies can safely explore and develop physical skills?
Yes. The
space is generally set up for toddler and pre-school aged children, but should a family
with an infant enroll adjustments are made to accommodate
Do you have a safe, enclosed outside play area that
encourages large-motor skills (climbing, running, jumping)?
There is a
fenced area with direct access from the main playroom. The play area has grass
and paved areas with both sun and shade. The outside space includes low-level climbing and slides, sand boxes, open grassy area, picnic table. In the summer a wading pool and water table is added to the space. We use natural landscape (piles of snow, leaves in the fall, mud in the spring) and loose parts (sticks, mud, logs, shells, etc).
Do you take the children on walks through the neighborhood?
no. There is not a sidewalk on Garrison Rd.
and I wouldn't be comfortable doing so without one.
What potty-training methods do you use for toddlers?
In my experience, a combination of patience, positive
reinforcement, scheduled bathroom visits, and training to recognize the
physical feelings of needing to use the toilet works well. I suggest beginning toilet training when the child shows the appropriate readiness skills.
Those skills include: being able to hold urine for a period of time (at least 60 minutes), put pants on/off independently, be able to clearly and accurately communicate that their diaper is dry/wet/dirty. I train children on a full size toilet. Read more here.
What will my child be doing on any given day? May I see the
daily schedule/routine?
The daily
schedule includes time for active and quiet play, meals and snacks, academic and
free play, rest, and circle time (stories, etc). more info
Do you let the children watch television?
I have a computer in the space that is intended for music and yoga. In the rare
occasion we do watch a video, it would be related to the curriculum or be part
of a special day.
Must children be immunized in order to attend?
Documentation of immunizations and overall physical health must be kept on site
and be up to date, within 12 months. Children 3 and under must have a yearly lead test on record. More information regarding immunizations is available here.
What is your sick-child policy?
If your child is sent home due to illness, regardless of any diagnosis or lack thereof they will not be able to attend the following school day during the same week. If your child is too ill to attend to normal activity on a stay-at-home-day, please keep them home from school on the following school day. A note from a medical professional does not override this policy.
If your child is unable to play, eat, sleep, and/or toilet as they would on any other day, then they should be kept at home. If your child has a fever (100.5+), diarrhea, vomiting, unknown rash, continuous or wheezing/gasping cough, thick or continuous nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes, contagious illness (such as conjunctivitis or strep throat), lice, or bedbugs you should keep them out of care until those symptoms have resolved and/or been under treatment without the aid of fever reducing medication for 24 hours.
If your child is sent home due to illness, regardless of any diagnosis or lack thereof they will not be able to attend the following school day during the same week. If your child is too ill to attend to normal activity on a stay-at-home-day, please keep them home from school on the following school day. A note from a medical professional does not override this policy.
If your child is unable to play, eat, sleep, and/or toilet as they would on any other day, then they should be kept at home. If your child has a fever (100.5+), diarrhea, vomiting, unknown rash, continuous or wheezing/gasping cough, thick or continuous nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes, contagious illness (such as conjunctivitis or strep throat), lice, or bedbugs you should keep them out of care until those symptoms have resolved and/or been under treatment without the aid of fever reducing medication for 24 hours.
Please read the parent handbook for more information on severe illness protocols, specifically for long term illnesses.
What if my child needs medication during the day?
If possible, I prefer that all medication be administered at home. The first
dose of any medication must be administered by the parent at home in case of an allergic
reaction, even if they have used it in the past.
All medications, in their original container, must be given to the
Educator directly by the parent. All medications will be
locked and kept out of reach of children.
The program will maintain and written
record of administration of any medication (excluding topical ointments and
sprays applied to unbroken skin) which will include the child’s name, the time
and date of each administration, the dose, the name of the person administering
the medication. This completed record will become part of the child’s file. All
unused medication will be returned to the parent if possible, or disposed of in
accordance with the Department of Public Health guidelines.
Do you allow smoking in the house?
Do you allow guns in the house?
No. We do not own guns and request that none are brought into our home.
Do you have pets?
Yes. We have a Brittany Spaniel. She is largely kept out of the child care space, but will sometimes interact with the children.
Do caregivers wash their hands after changing diapers and
before feeding the children?
Yes. Caregivers wash hands at the beginning of the day, after changing a diaper, before and after preparing food, before and after eating, before and after assisting with tooth brushing, after personal hygiene tasks, after cleaning with disinfectant/sanitizing solution.
Are older children taught to wash their hands after using
the potty?
Yes. All children are taught hand-washing and wash hands regularly throughout the day.
How often are the toys cleaned and replaced?
Toys are
replaced if broken. Toys are cleaned on a daily basis. Mouthed toys are
cleaned after each occurrence.
Are indoor and outdoor play areas childproofed and
areas are secured with doors. The outdoor space is secured with a gate. Furniture is secured so that it does not tip and outlets are child resistant.
Are the children ever left unattended?
The only
time a child would be out of sight is when I need to attend to personal hygiene. The
bathroom is located on the same level immediately adjacent to the play areas.
Do you have a sign-in and sign-out sheet?
I keep a record of attendance and visitors, but parents do not have to sign in/out.
Are the doors secure so strangers can't just walk in?
Yes. Doors
will be locked while children are present.
What is your release policy? Who may pick up my child?
enrollment packet includes spaces to designate people who are allowed to pick
up or drop off children. Only persons on those forms will be allowed to do so
and must provide picture identification. Any changes must be given in writing.
Do you receive personal visitors (not affiliated with the
daycare business) during the day?
typically. Any scheduled visitors (maintenance, out of town guests, etc) would
be communicated with the parent beforehand. Any visitors, including special guests and therapists, would stay under my supervision and never be alone with children.
What is your disaster plan? Do you have procedures for
handling fires, earthquakes, intruders, and other emergencies?
Fire drills
and Hold-in-Place drills are practiced regularly. The meeting area in the case of
an evacuation from the home is on the large flat rock near the mailbox. In the event that we have to evacuate entirely, my designated
meeting spot is in the parking lot of 313 Littleton Rd, Chlemsford. This is the only time that I would take your
children off of my property. More specific information about emergency
situations is available in the Parent Handbook.
Do you provide breakfast, lunch, and/or snack?
Are there any food restrictions?
I am not
currently set up as an allergy free home, but do request that tree
nut and peanut products not be sent as a precaution.
Do you have a refrigerator for storing bottles of breast
milk or formula?
Do you feed babies on demand or on a schedule?
This is per
parent request. Infants do best when a routine is the same between multiple care givers. I would do my best to match what is being followed at home and partner with the parents transition over time to a routine that works for both of our schedules.
Nap times
Where do the children sleep?
I have nap
mats available for toddler and preschoolers. I have a pack-n-play for infants. They will sleep in the main play space. Sheets and blankets stay on site and are washed weekly.
Do you have a nap schedule?
We do a
scheduled quiet time between 1-3pm. Should a child need more or less sleep, I
can accommodate to meet their needs.
Do you place babies on their back to sleep and follow other
safe sleeping practices to reduce the risk of SIDS?
Children younger than six months of age at the time of enrollment must be under
direct visual supervision at all times, including while napping, during the
first six weeks they are in care. No child under 12 months of age shall be
placed in a crib containing pillows, comforters, stuffed animals, or other
soft, padded materials. All infants will be placed on their backs to sleep in a bed. Infants may not sleep in chairs, car seats, or play equipment.
Additional Information
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, veteran status, sexual preference, gender identity, marital status, or disability.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies. Additional information may be available in the Parent Handbook. All families are required to read the Parent Handbook prior to your child's attendance. Information listed here is non-binding.
updated 6/20/2023
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